Wednesday, December 1, 2010

WikiLeaks: What Went Wrong..

Data classification: Private Bradley had and everyone else for that matter has more access than they needed to do their jobs.

Lack of auditing: When Private Bradley is downloading thousands of documents at a time no alerts were raised.

Modernize technical controls:

No endpoint protection: USB thumb drives are disallowed by Policy not by technical controls.

Siprnet systems have rewriteable media.

Modernize laws:

Private Bradley can be put away for espionage for a very long time. His self image of heroism is a complete fraud. Data does NOT want to be free. Trade secrets, intellectual property, state secrets, health care data, and even grades are protected for many important reasons.

Julian Assange is not a US citizen and cannot be subjected to the same fate. He also cannot be given constitutional rights to freedom of speach for the same reason. So now he is in an awkward place and the constitution also forbids any black op's to take him out like other countries would have done already.

The laws have to be modernized to defend against attacks from the like of people such as Assange to something greater than a World War I level.

The content of the documents also have to be protected by law. If this data were instead

Justin Bieber's latest release, a Hurt Locker movie, Microsoft source code, or anything with the likeness of Gene Simmons; there would have an army of lawyers attacking. Which really sheds light on who really rights the laws in the U.S.?

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